
OCTOBER 2023 IELTS Task 2 Essay Idea Generation

QUESTION 1: Should governments make decisions about people’s lifestyle, or should people make their own decisions?


People making their own decisions:

1. Personal Autonomy: Individuals have the right to make decisions about their own lives, including choices related to their lifestyle, without unnecessary interference from the government.

2. Individual Responsibility: Allowing people to make their own lifestyle choices promotes a sense of personal responsibility for their actions and their consequences, encouraging self-growth and self-determination.

3. Cultural Diversity: Different cultures and societies have unique values, beliefs, and practices. Allowing individuals to make their own lifestyle decisions respects cultural diversity and individual differences.

4. Tailored Approaches: People have different needs, preferences, and circumstances. Allowing individuals to make their own decisions enables them to tailor their lifestyle choices to their specific needs and circumstances.

5. Experimentation and Innovation: Individual decision-making fosters experimentation and innovation, leading to new ideas, practices, and solutions that can contribute to personal growth, societal progress, and advancements in various fields.

6. Personal Development: The freedom to make lifestyle choices enables individuals to explore and develop their personal interests, talents, and passions, fostering personal growth and fulfillment.

7. Limited Government Intervention: Allowing individuals to make their own decisions reduces the need for excessive government intervention and regulation in personal matters, promoting individual freedom and limiting potential overreach.

8. Respect for Privacy: Respecting individuals’ right to make their own decisions about their lifestyle promotes privacy and protects personal liberties, without unnecessary intrusion from the government.

Governments making decisions about people’s lifestyle:

1. Public Health Concerns: Governments may intervene in lifestyle choices when they pose significant risks to public health, such as in the case of infectious diseases, substance abuse, or unhealthy behaviors that can lead to chronic diseases.

2. Public Safety: Certain lifestyle choices, such as reckless driving or engaging in dangerous activities, can have implications for public safety. Governments may enforce regulations and laws to protect individuals and society from potential harm.

3. Social Welfare: Governments may make decisions about people’s lifestyle to ensure social welfare, such as implementing policies related to education, healthcare, and social support systems that aim to improve the overall well-being of citizens.

4. Environmental Sustainability: Lifestyle choices can impact the environment, and governments may implement policies and regulations to promote sustainable practices and mitigate ecological harm caused by certain lifestyles.

5. Social Cohesion: Governments may play a role in promoting social cohesion and harmony by implementing policies that address inequalities, discrimination, and social justice issues related to lifestyle choices.

6. Consumer Protection: Governments may intervene in lifestyle decisions to protect consumers from deceptive marketing practices, unsafe products, or exploitative industries.

7. Economic Considerations: Governments may make decisions related to lifestyle choices to promote economic development, such as incentivizing certain industries, regulating harmful practices, or creating job opportunities in specific sectors.

8. Long-term Planning: Governments may make decisions about lifestyle choices with long-term planning in mind, considering factors such as sustainable development, resource management, and future societal needs.

QUESTION 2: A government has a responsibility to its citizens to ensure their safety. Therefore, some people think that the government should increase spending on defense but spend less on social benefits. To what extent do you agree?


Agreeing with increasing defense spending and reducing social benefits:

1. National Security: Prioritizing defense spending can enhance a country’s ability to protect its citizens from external threats, safeguarding national security.

2. Deterrence: Adequate defense spending can serve as a deterrent, deterring potential aggressors and reducing the likelihood of conflicts or wars that could endanger citizens.

3. Geopolitical Stability: Strong defense capabilities can contribute to geopolitical stability, fostering peaceful relationships with other nations and reducing the risk of military conflicts that could harm citizens.

4. Technological Advancement: Defense spending often drives technological advancements, which can have spillover effects in various sectors, stimulating innovation, economic growth, and job creation.

5. Defense Industry: Increased spending on defense can support the defense industry, leading to the creation of employment opportunities and contributing to economic development.

6. Protecting Critical Infrastructure: Adequate defense funding can help protect critical infrastructure, such as energy facilities, transportation networks, and communication systems, ensuring their resilience and continuity.

7. Preparedness for Emergencies: A well-funded defense sector can contribute to emergency preparedness, enabling the government to respond effectively to natural disasters, terrorist threats, and other emergencies that may pose risks to citizens.

8. International Alliances: Adequate defense spending can strengthen a country’s position in international alliances, fostering cooperation and collective security efforts that benefit citizens.

Disagreeing with increasing defense spending and reducing social benefits:

1. Human Development: Social benefits, such as healthcare, education, and social welfare programs, contribute to the overall well-being and development of citizens, addressing their basic needs and enhancing their quality of life.

2. Social Equality: Reducing social benefits in favor of defense spending can exacerbate inequalities, as vulnerable and marginalized populations may bear the brunt of reduced support, widening the socio-economic gap.

3. Human Security: Investing in social benefits fosters human security, addressing issues such as poverty, healthcare access, and social inclusion, which are essential for citizens’ overall safety and well-being.

4. Education and Skills Development: Prioritizing social benefits, such as education, helps cultivate a skilled and knowledgeable workforce, driving economic growth, innovation, and long-term societal progre

5. Social Cohesion: Strong social benefits promote social cohesion and a sense of community, fostering social resilience and cooperation among citizens, which is vital for a harmonious and stable society.

6. Healthcare Access: Adequate funding for social benefits, particularly healthcare, ensures citizens have access to essential medical services, improving overall public health and mitigating health-related risks.

7. Poverty Alleviation: Social benefits play a crucial role in poverty alleviation, providing assistance to vulnerable populations and addressing socio-economic disparities, thereby enhancing societal stability.

8. Well-rounded Development: Balancing defense spending with social benefits ensures a holistic approach to national well-being, recognizing that citizens’ safety is not solely dependent on military capabilities but also on their social and economic conditions.

QUESTION 3: Some people think that the government is responsible for the rise in obesity in children, while others think it is the fault of the parents. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


Government responsibility for the rise in childhood obesity:

1. Policy and Regulation: The government has the power to implement policies and regulations that promote healthy eating habits and regulate the food industry, such as restricting marketing of unhealthy foods to children or implementing stricter standards for school meals.

2. Public Education and Awareness: The government can play a role in educating the public about the importance of healthy eating and the risks associated with childhood obesity through campaigns, school programs, and public health initiatives.

3. Access to Healthy Food: Governments can address food deserts and ensure that nutritious, affordable food options are available and accessible in all communities, particularly in low-income areas.

4. Physical Education and School Programs: The government can mandate and support physical education programs in schools to promote regular physical activity and combat sedentary lifestyles.

5. Food and Nutrition Standards: Governments can establish nutritional guidelines and standards for school meals, childcare centers, and food served in public institutions to ensure healthier options are available.

6. Healthcare and Prevention: Governments can allocate resources to healthcare systems to provide preventative services, such as screenings, counseling, and interventions targeting childhood obesity.

7. Research and Data Collection: The government can invest in research to understand the causes and consequences of childhood obesity, enabling evidence-based decision-making and targeted interventions.

8. Public Health Infrastructure: Governments can strengthen public health infrastructure to address childhood obesity, including surveillance systems, community interventions, and partnerships with stakeholders.

Parental responsibility for the rise in childhood obesity:

1. Primary Caregivers: Parents are responsible for their children’s health and well-being, including their dietary choices, physical activity levels, and lifestyle habits.

2. Role Modeling: Parents serve as role models for their children, influencing their behaviors and attitudes towards food and physical activity. Healthy parental behaviors can positively impact children’s choices.

3. Food Choices and Purchasing: Parents have control over the types of foods brought into the household and the meals prepared for their children, shaping their eating habits and preferences.

4. Meal Planning and Preparation: Parents are responsible for planning and preparing balanced meals for their children, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients and limiting the consumption of unhealthy foods.

5. Physical Activity Support: Parents play a crucial role in encouraging and facilitating their children’s participation in physical activities, whether through organized sports, family activities, or outdoor play.

6. Nutrition Education: Parents have the responsibility to educate themselves and their children about healthy eating, portion sizes, and the importance of a balanced diet.

7. Establishing Routines: Parents can create routines that prioritize regular meals, limit screen time, and encourage physical activity, promoting healthier lifestyles for their children.

8. Individual Factors: Parents must consider individual factors such as genetics, metabolism, and any underlying health conditions when making decisions related to their children’s diet and exercise.

QUESTION 4: Some people think that the government should give money to creative people, such as artists and musicians. To what extent do you agree?


Agreeing with government support for creative people:

1. Cultural Preservation: Government funding can support artists and musicians in creating and preserving cultural works, contributing to the enrichment and preservation of a nation’s cultural heritage.

2. Economic Impact: The creative industry can have significant economic benefits, generating employment opportunities and stimulating economic growth through cultural tourism, events, and creative industries.

3. Social and Community Development: Supporting creative individuals can foster social cohesion, community engagement, and a sense of identity, as art and music have the power to bring people together and express diverse perspectives.

4. Innovation and Experimentation: Government funding allows artists and musicians to explore innovative ideas, push boundaries, and experiment with new forms of expression, leading to artistic advancements and cultural innovation.

5. Education and Inspiration: Government support for artists and musicians can contribute to educational initiatives, providing opportunities for artistic mentorship, workshops, and cultural exchange programs, inspiring future generations.

6. Mental Health and Well-being: Creativity has therapeutic benefits, and supporting artists and musicians can promote mental health and well-being within society, offering outlets for expression and catharsis.

7. Cultural Diplomacy: Government funding for creative individuals can enhance a nation’s soft power and cultural diplomacy efforts, fostering positive international relations and showcasing the diversity and talent of a country.

8. Long-term Cultural and Artistic Legacy: By investing in creative individuals, governments can ensure the preservation and continuation of artistic traditions, leaving a lasting cultural legacy for future generations.

Disagreeing with government support for creative people:

1. Market Dynamics: Some argue that the support for artists and musicians should come from the market itself, based on demand and consumers’ willingness to pay for creative works.

2. Limited Resources: Governments have limited resources, and allocating funds to support specific creative individuals or industries may divert resources away from other pressing needs, such as healthcare or education.

3. Subjectivity and Taste: Determining which artists or musicians receive government support can be subjective and potentially exclude certain individuals or art forms that do not align with government preferences.

4. Financial Sustainability: Critics argue that artists and musicians should be encouraged to pursue financially sustainable models, such as entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, or partnerships, rather than relying on government funding.

5. Distorted Market Incentives: Government support can distort market incentives, potentially creating a dependency on funding and reducing the drive for artists and musicians to innovate, adapt, or connect with their audience.

6. Freedom of Expression: Some argue that government funding may come with certain expectations or conditions that compromise the artists’ freedom of expression or creative autonomy.

7. Resource Allocation: Critics contend that governments should prioritize funding areas that have a more direct impact on societal needs, such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, or social welfare.

8. Private Philanthropy and Sponsorship: Supporters of this viewpoint argue that private philanthropy and sponsorship can play a significant role in supporting artists and musicians, reducing the burden on government resources.

QUESTION 5: The government should lower the budget on the arts in order to allocate more money to education. To what extent do you agree?


Agreeing with lowering the budget on the arts to allocate more money to education:

1. Educational Prioritization: Education is a fundamental pillar of societal development, and allocating more resources to education can enhance the quality of education, improve infrastructure, and support teaching and learning materials.

2. Human Capital Development: Investing in education equips individuals with knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to contribute to the workforce, economic growth, and innovation.

3. Future Opportunities: Prioritizing education funding can create more opportunities for students, including access to better facilities, technology, and resources, which can enhance their learning outcomes and future prospects.

4. Addressing Educational Inequalities: Increasing education funding can help bridge the gap between privileged and disadvantaged students, providing more equitable access to quality education for all.

5. Economic Returns: A well-educated workforce can attract investment, boost productivity, and stimulate economic development, leading to long-term benefits for society as a whole.

6. Global Competitiveness: Enhancing the education system can strengthen a country’s global competitiveness by producing highly skilled graduates who can contribute to technological advancements and innovation.

7. Meeting Labor Market Demands: Increasing education funding can align educational programs with industry needs, ensuring graduates possess relevant skills and qualifications required by the job market.

8. Social Mobility: Investing in education can promote social mobility, offering opportunities for upward mobility and reducing social inequalities.

Disagreeing with lowering the budget on the arts to allocate more money to education:

1. Arts and Culture Importance: The arts contribute to cultural enrichment, social cohesion, and individual well-being, fostering creativity, self-expression, and appreciation of diverse perspectives.

2. Holistic Education: Arts education plays a crucial role in developing well-rounded individuals by nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills, which are essential for success in various disciplines and professions.

3. Cognitive Development: Arts education has been linked to improved cognitive abilities, including enhanced problem-solving skills, spatial reasoning, and emotional intelligence.

4. Academic Performance: Studies suggest that students engaged in the arts often perform better academically, as the arts can stimulate intellectual curiosity, motivation, and engagement across different subjects.

5. Student Engagement and Retention: Arts programs can increase student engagement, attendance, and retention rates, providing a sense of belonging and purpose within the education system.

6. Cultural and Creative Industries: The arts sector contributes to job creation, economic growth, and cultural tourism, generating revenue and supporting livelihoods in creative industries.

7. Well-rounded Citizens: Exposure to the arts fosters empathy, cultural understanding, and appreciation for diversity, cultivating informed and responsible citizens.

8. Balancing Priorities: While education is crucial, a well-rounded budget should consider diverse needs and priorities, including both education and arts, as they contribute to the holistic development of individuals and society.

QUESTION 6: Some people think that only the government can make significant changes in society, while others think that individuals can have a lot of influence. What is your opinion?


Government’s role:

1. Policy-making: Governments have the authority to create and enforce policies and regulations that shape the overall direction of society, addressing systemic issues and promoting collective well-being.

2. Resource Allocation: Governments control public resources and budgets, allowing them to invest in critical areas such as infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social welfare, which can have a transformative impact on society.

3. Legislation and Governance: Governments have the power to enact laws that protect human rights, promote equality, and ensure justice and fairness within society, establishing a framework for a functioning and harmonious community.

4. Social Programs: Governments can implement social programs, welfare initiatives, and safety nets that support vulnerable populations and alleviate poverty, fostering social inclusivity and equity.

5. International Relations: Governments engage in diplomatic efforts and international cooperation, addressing global challenges, negotiating treaties, and participating in global initiatives for sustainable development and peace.

Individuals’ role:

1. Grassroots Movements: Individuals can mobilize and participate in grassroots movements, advocating for social change, raising awareness about specific issues, and pressuring governments to take action.

2. Social Activism: Individuals have the power to drive social change through activism, protests, civil disobedience, and other forms of peaceful resistance, challenging existing systems and demanding justice.

3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Individuals can innovate, develop new ideas, and create businesses that drive economic growth, address societal needs, and bring about positive change in various sectors.

4. Volunteering and Philanthropy: Individuals can contribute their time, skills, and resources through volunteering and philanthropy, supporting community initiatives, nonprofit organizations, and social causes.

5. Consumer Choices: Individuals can influence society through their consumer choices, promoting sustainability, ethical practices, and responsible consumption, thereby driving market trends and influencing corporate behavior.

6. Education and Awareness: Individuals can educate themselves and others, raising awareness about social issues, promoting critical thinking, and fostering a culture of informed citizenship.

7. Role Models and Mentoring: Individuals can inspire and mentor others, serving as role models and influencing positive behavior, values, and attitudes within their communities.

8. Community Engagement: Individuals can actively engage in community development, participating in local initiatives, volunteering in neighborhood projects, and fostering social cohesion and unity.

QUESTION 7: The prevention of health problems and illness is more important than treatment and medicine. Government funding should reflect this. To what extent do you agree?


Agreeing that prevention of health problems is more important than treatment and medicine:

1. Cost-effectiveness: Investing in preventive measures, such as promoting healthy lifestyles and providing early interventions, can be more cost-effective in the long run, as it reduces the burden on healthcare systems and prevents the need for expensive treatments.

2. Quality of Life: Prevention focuses on maintaining good health and well-being, allowing individuals to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives, free from the impact of preventable diseases and conditions.

3. Empowerment: Prevention empowers individuals to take control of their health by providing them with knowledge, resources, and support to make informed decisions and adopt healthy behaviors.

4. Population Health: Prioritizing prevention can improve the overall health of populations by addressing risk factors, promoting healthy habits, and reducing the incidence of preventable diseases, leading to healthier communities.

5. Long-Term Benefits: Prevention not only reduces the occurrence of health problems but also mitigates their long-term consequences, such as disability, chronic conditions, and premature mortality, resulting in improved health outcomes and increased life expectancy.

6. Productivity and Economic Impact: By investing in prevention, governments can enhance productivity levels, reduce absenteeism, and minimize the economic burden of illness on individuals, families, and society as a whole.

7. Health Equity: Prevention measures can help address health disparities and promote equity by targeting high-risk populations and providing access to preventive services, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy life.

8. Public Health Preparedness: Prioritizing prevention strengthens public health infrastructure, surveillance systems, and emergency preparedness, enabling better responses to outbreaks, pandemics, and other health crises.

Disagreeing that prevention is more important than treatment and medicine:

1. Curative Interventions: Treatment and medicine are essential in addressing existing health problems, providing relief, and improving the quality of life for individuals already affected by illnesses.

2. Lifesaving Interventions: Some health conditions require immediate treatment and medicine to save lives, and prioritizing prevention alone may not be sufficient in critical situations.

3. Complex Diseases: Certain diseases and conditions, such as genetic disorders or chronic illnesses, may not be preventable, and effective treatments and medicines are necessary to manage and treat these conditions.

4. Research and Innovation: Investment in treatment and medicine encourages scientific research, innovation, and the development of new therapies and medications, leading to medical advancements that benefit individuals and society.

5. Accessibility to Healthcare: Placing exclusive emphasis on prevention may overlook the importance of ensuring access to essential treatment and medicine, particularly for vulnerable populations and those with limited resources.

6. Acute Health Emergencies: In emergency situations, such as accidents or acute illnesses, immediate treatment and medicine are crucial to stabilize individuals and prevent further complications.

7. Individualized Healthcare: Each person’s health needs are unique, and treatment and medicine play a vital role in addressing specific health conditions and providing personalized care.

8. Balancing Priorities: Striking a balance between prevention and treatment is necessary to ensure comprehensive healthcare, considering the diverse needs and circumstances of individuals and the population.

QUESTION 8: The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems due to being overweight is increasing. What is the reason for the growth in overweight people in society? How can this problem be solved?


Reasons for the growth in overweight people in society:

1. Unhealthy Diets: The availability and consumption of high-calorie, processed foods and sugary beverages have increased, contributing to an unhealthy diet and weight gain.

2. Sedentary Lifestyle: Modern lifestyles often involve long periods of sitting and reduced physical activity, such as increased screen time, desk jobs, and reliance on motorized transportation, leading to a decrease in energy expenditure.

3. Lack of Physical Education: Inadequate emphasis on physical education in schools and reduced opportunities for physical activity in daily routines have contributed to a decline in physical fitness levels among children and adults.

4. Environmental Factors: Built environments that prioritize car use over walking or cycling, limited access to safe recreational spaces, and the prevalence of sedentary occupations have created environments that discourage physical activity.

5. Marketing and Advertising: Aggressive marketing and advertising of unhealthy food products, especially targeting children, have influenced dietary choices and consumption patterns, contributing to weight gain.

6. Stress and Emotional Eating: Stressful lifestyles, emotional factors, and psychological distress can lead to overeating or relying on unhealthy food choices as a coping mechanism.

Solutions to address the problem of overweight:

1. Education and Awareness: Promote education about nutrition, healthy eating habits, and the importance of regular physical activity from a young age through schools, community programs, and public campaigns.

2. Healthy Food Environments: Implement policies that promote access to affordable, healthy food options, limit the marketing of unhealthy foods to children, and encourage food labeling to facilitate informed choices.

3. Physical Activity Promotion: Create opportunities for regular physical activity in schools, workplaces, and communities through programs, sports facilities, walking/cycling paths, and public spaces.

4. Supportive Policies: Develop and implement policies that prioritize public health, including regulations on food marketing, incentives for healthy food production, and urban planning that promotes physical activity.

5. Collaboration with Food Industry: Engage with the food industry to encourage reformulation of products, reduction of portion sizes, and promotion of healthier options.

6. Healthcare Interventions: Provide comprehensive healthcare services that address weight management, including access to nutritionists, dieticians, and weight management programs, as well as counseling for emotional eating and stress management.

7. Community Engagement: Foster community-based initiatives that promote healthy lifestyles, such as cooking classes, community gardens, and walking groups, to create a supportive environment for behavior change.

8. Parental Involvement: Empower parents with knowledge and resources to make healthy choices for themselves and their families, including nutrition education, meal planning, and encouraging active play.

QUESTION 9: The amount of time spent on sport and exercise should be increased in schools in order to tackle the problem of overweight children. Do you think this is the best way to deal with the problem? What other solutions can you suggest?



1. Promoting Physical Activity: Increasing the time dedicated to sport and exercise in schools can encourage children to engage in regular physical activity, which can help in weight management and overall health.

2. Education and Skill Development: Sport and exercise programs in schools provide opportunities for children to learn and develop essential skills, such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.

3. Establishing Healthy Habits: By incorporating physical activity into the school routine, children can develop a habit of being active, which may translate into a lifelong commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

4. Social Interaction: Sport and exercise activities in schools promote social interaction, teamwork, and positive peer relationships, contributing to overall well-being and self-esteem.

5. Improved Academic Performance: Research suggests that regular physical activity can have positive effects on cognitive function and academic performance, potentially enhancing the overall educational experience of students.

6. Equity and Accessibility: Providing sport and exercise opportunities in schools ensures that children from diverse backgrounds have access to physical activity, regardless of their socioeconomic status.


1. Comprehensive Approach: Tackling the problem of overweight children requires a comprehensive approach that addresses not only physical activity but also diet, education, community involvement, and parental engagement.

2. Health Education: Incorporating comprehensive health education in schools, including nutrition education and promoting healthy eating habits, is crucial for addressing the root causes of overweight.

3. Parental Involvement: Encouraging parents to promote a healthy lifestyle at home, including providing nutritious meals and creating an active environment, is essential for long-term behavior change.

4. Collaborative Efforts: Collaboration between schools, healthcare professionals, community organizations, and policymakers can create a supportive environment that fosters healthy habits and addresses the issue of childhood overweight comprehensively.

5. Physical Education Quality: Emphasizing the quality of physical education programs is important, ensuring that they are engaging, inclusive, and provide opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities or interests.

6. Creating Active Environments: Beyond schools, creating safe and accessible recreational spaces in communities, promoting active transportation, and providing extracurricular sports programs can encourage children to be physically active outside of school hours.

 QUESTION 10: In addition to increasing the amount of time spent on sport and exercise in schools, here are additional solutions to tackle the problem of overweight children:
1. Health Education: Implement comprehensive health education programs that educate children about nutrition, healthy eating habits, portion sizes, and the importance of regular physical activity. This education can extend beyond the school curriculum to involve parents and the wider community.
2. Active Transportation: Encourage active modes of transportation, such as walking or cycling, to and from school. Implement safe walking and cycling routes, promote the use of public transport, and discourage excessive reliance on motorized transportation.
3. Healthy School Environment: Create an environment that promotes healthy choices, including providing nutritious meals and snacks in school cafeterias, limiting the availability of sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks, and promoting water consumption.
4. Recess and Break Time Activities: Maximize opportunities for physical activity during recess and break times. Provide well-equipped play areas, organized sports activities, and encourage active play to get children moving and engaged in physical activities.
5. Community Partnerships: Collaborate with community organizations, sports clubs, and local authorities to offer extracurricular sports and physical activity programs outside of school hours. This can provide children with additional opportunities to participate in sports and engage in regular exercise.
6. Parental Involvement and Support: Engage parents in promoting healthy lifestyles at home. Provide resources and workshops that educate parents on healthy eating, meal planning, and the importance of physical activity. Encourage parental involvement in school-based activities related to sports and exercise.
QUESTION 11: More and more people are suffering from health problems caused by a modern lifestyle which cannot be treated with modern medicines. Some people think that a return to traditional medicine should be encouraged. To what extent do you agree?



Agreeing with the encouragement of a return to traditional medicine:
1. Holistic Approach: Traditional medicine often adopts a holistic approach, considering the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. It may provide a broader perspective on health and wellness.
2. Natural Remedies: Traditional medicine utilizes natural remedies derived from plants, herbs, and minerals, which can be beneficial for certain health conditions and have fewer side effects compared to synthetic drugs.
3. Cultural Heritage: Embracing traditional medicine can help preserve cultural heritage and knowledge passed down through generations, maintaining cultural diversity and promoting the well-being of specific communities.
4. Personalized Treatment: Traditional medicine often emphasizes individualized treatment, taking into account the unique characteristics and needs of each person. It may provide personalized care and tailored treatment plans.
5. Complementary Approach: Integrating traditional medicine with modern medicine can offer a more comprehensive approach to healthcare, combining the strengths of both systems to address different aspects of health and well-being.
6. Focus on Prevention: Traditional medicine often emphasizes preventive measures and lifestyle modifications, promoting healthy habits and self-care practices that can contribute to overall well-being and reduce the risk of certain health problems.
7. Alternative Options: For individuals who may not respond well to modern medicine or have limited access to healthcare resources, traditional medicine can provide alternative options and potential relief for their health issues.
8. Preservation of Traditional Knowledge: Encouraging the use of traditional medicine can support the preservation and further development of traditional knowledge systems, which may hold valuable insights into natural remedies and therapeutic approaches.
Disagreeing with the encouragement of a return to traditional medicine:
1. Lack of Scientific Evidence: Traditional medicine often lacks rigorous scientific evidence to support its effectiveness and safety. Relying solely on traditional medicine without proper scientific validation can be risky.
2. Limited Treatment Scope: Traditional medicine may not have the capacity to address complex health conditions that require advanced medical interventions, such as surgeries, targeted therapies, or modern medical devices.
3. Potential Health Risks: Traditional medicine practices, particularly when administered by untrained or inexperienced practitioners, can carry potential health risks and may interact negatively with modern medicines.
4. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality and consistency of traditional medicine products can be challenging, as there may be variations in potency, purity, and standards of preparation, leading to inconsistent treatment outcomes.
5. Cultural Context: Traditional medicine practices may be deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and rituals, making it difficult to separate them from cultural norms and practices that may not be applicable or accepted universally.
6. Ethical Considerations: Some traditional medicine practices involve the use of endangered plants or animals, raising ethical concerns regarding conservation and sustainability.
7. Access and Equity: Relying solely on traditional medicine can exacerbate healthcare disparities, as access to traditional healers and remedies may be limited in certain regions or communities.
8. Advancements in Modern Medicine: Modern medicine has made significant advancements in diagnostics, treatments, and technologies, providing effective solutions for many health problems. Neglecting these advancements could hinder progress in healthcare.
QUESTION 12: Health care should not be provided for free regardless of a person’s income. The heath of a person is in their own hands and they should, therefore, be held accountable for that.
Do you agree with this opinion?
Agreeing with the opinion:
1. Personal Responsibility: Making individuals financially responsible for their healthcare encourages personal responsibility and accountability for their own health choices and behaviors.
2. Resource Allocation: Providing healthcare for free to everyone, regardless of income, may strain healthcare systems and limit resources that could be allocated to other essential services.
3. Incentivizing Healthier Lifestyles: When individuals have to bear the financial burden of healthcare costs, it can incentivize them to adopt healthier lifestyles, engage in preventive care, and reduce risky behaviors that contribute to health problems.
4. Equality and Fairness: Charging individuals for healthcare services based on their income promotes fairness and equality, as it ensures that everyone contributes according to their means.
5. Cost Control: Requiring individuals to pay for healthcare can help control healthcare costs by discouraging unnecessary or frivolous utilization of medical services.
6. Encouraging Insurance Coverage: Making individuals accountable for their healthcare costs can incentivize them to obtain health insurance coverage, which spreads the financial risk across a larger pool of individuals.
7. Economic Considerations: Healthcare services are costly to provide, and expecting individuals to contribute financially can help sustain healthcare systems and fund advancements in medical technology and treatments.
8. Encouraging Personal Investments: When individuals have to pay for healthcare, it may motivate them to invest in their own health, such as seeking education, pursuing healthier habits, and actively managing chronic conditions.
Disagreeing with the opinion:
1. Universal Access: Providing free healthcare ensures that everyone, regardless of income, has access to essential medical services and treatments, promoting equal opportunities for good health.
2. Social Solidarity: Healthcare is considered a fundamental right in many societies, and providing it for free reflects the principle of social solidarity, where the burden of healthcare costs is shared by the community.
3. Preventive Care: Offering free healthcare encourages individuals to seek preventive care, which can detect health issues early, prevent complications, and ultimately reduce healthcare costs in the long run.
4. Equity and Social Justice: Charging individuals for healthcare based on their income can perpetuate health disparities and create inequities in access to healthcare services, disproportionately affecting lower-income individuals and marginalized populations.
5. Public Health Benefits: Providing free healthcare supports public health initiatives, such as immunizations, disease surveillance, and health promotion programs, which benefit the entire population by preventing the spread of diseases.
6. Humanitarian Reasons: Healthcare is a basic human need, and providing it for free demonstrates compassion and empathy towards those who may not have the financial means to afford necessary medical care.
7. Economic Productivity: Ensuring the health of individuals through free healthcare can contribute to a productive workforce, reducing absenteeism, improving overall well-being, and boosting economic growth.
8. Health as a Public Good: The health of individuals has broader societal implications, as healthy individuals contribute to a healthier society. 
QUESTION 13: Providing free healthcare recognizes health as a public good and a collective responsibility.
The best way to improve health is to exercise daily. To what extent do you agree?
Agreeing with the statement:
1. Physical Fitness: Regular exercise has numerous physical health benefits, including improving cardiovascular health, increasing muscle strength, enhancing flexibility, and maintaining a healthy weight.
2. Mental Well-being: Engaging in daily exercise can positively impact mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. It promotes the release of endorphins, which boost mood and overall well-being.
3. Disease Prevention: Regular physical activity has been linked to a lower risk of various chronic conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and osteoporosis. Exercise can also improve immune function.
4. Weight Management: Daily exercise, coupled with a balanced diet, can contribute to weight loss and weight management. It helps burn calories, build lean muscle mass, and increase metabolism, supporting a healthy body weight.
5. Energy and Productivity: Regular exercise increases energy levels, improves focus, and enhances productivity. It can help combat feelings of fatigue and increase overall stamina, allowing individuals to better perform daily tasks and responsibilities.
6. Sleep Quality: Engaging in daily physical activity can improve sleep quality, leading to better restorative sleep and overall sleep patterns. It can help regulate sleep-wake cycles and promote a deeper, more restful sleep.
7. Longevity: Studies have shown that regular exercise is associated with increased longevity and a reduced risk of premature death. It promotes healthy aging by maintaining physical function and reducing the risk of age-related diseases.
8. Social Interaction: Participating in daily exercise can provide opportunities for social interaction and engagement, such as joining group fitness classes or sports teams. Social connections contribute to overall well-being and a sense of belonging.
Disagreeing with the statement:
1. Individual Factors: The impact of exercise on health can vary depending on individual circumstances, including genetic predispositions, underlying health conditions, and lifestyle factors. Exercise alone may not address all health concerns.
2. Importance of Other Factors: While exercise is beneficial, it is not the sole determinant of good health. Other factors such as nutrition, sleep, stress management, and access to healthcare also play crucial roles in overall well-being.
3. Overemphasis on Physical Activity: Focusing solely on daily exercise may overlook the importance of holistic health, including mental and emotional well-being, social connections, and spiritual fulfillment.
4. Time Constraints: Some individuals may face time constraints or other practical limitations that make daily exercise challenging. It is important to find a balance that suits individual schedules and preferences.
5. Injury Risk: Overemphasis on daily exercise without proper guidance or consideration for individual fitness levels can increase the risk of injuries. Exercise should be approached in a safe and sustainable manner.
6. Health Conditions and Limitations: Some individuals may have health conditions or physical limitations that prevent them from engaging in daily exercise. Tailored approaches and alternative activities may be more suitable for their specific needs.
7. Enjoyment and Sustainability: For some individuals, the pressure to exercise daily may lead to burnout or lack of enjoyment, making it challenging to maintain a consistent exercise routine. Variety and finding enjoyable activities are essential for long-term adherence.
8. Personalized Approach: Each person has unique health needs and preferences. A one-size-fits-all approach to daily exercise may not be suitable for everyone. Customized plans that consider individual goals and abilities are important for achieving optimal health outcomes.

QUESTION 14: Some people think that public health is the responsibility of the government while others think that people should be responsible for their own health. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


Government responsibility for public health:

1. Public Health Infrastructure: Governments have the resources and capacity to establish and maintain public health infrastructure, including healthcare facilities, disease surveillance systems, and vaccination programs.

2. Health Policies and Regulations: Governments can enact policies and regulations that promote public health, such as implementing smoking bans, regulating food safety standards, and mandating vaccinations. These measures can help protect the population from health risks.

3. Accessibility and Affordability: Governments can work towards ensuring equitable access to healthcare services, especially for vulnerable populations. They can implement healthcare reforms and programs to provide affordable healthcare options for all citizens.

4. Health Education and Promotion: Governments can play a vital role in educating the public about healthy lifestyle choices, preventive measures, and disease awareness. They can conduct public health campaigns to raise awareness and promote positive health behaviors.

5. Emergency Preparedness: Governments are responsible for preparing and responding to public health emergencies, such as disease outbreaks or natural disasters. They can coordinate emergency response efforts, allocate resources, and ensure the safety of the population.

6. Health Equity: Governments have the potential to address health disparities and inequities by implementing policies that prioritize marginalized and underserved populations. They can work towards reducing socioeconomic barriers to healthcare access and improving health outcomes for all.

Individual responsibility for personal health:

1. Personal Agency: Individuals have the autonomy to make choices about their health behaviors, such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

2. Empowerment and Accountability: Encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own health can empower them to make informed decisions and take actions that promote their well-being. Personal accountability can lead to a greater sense of ownership and commitment to maintaining good health.

3. Preventive Measures: Individuals can actively engage in preventive healthcare by seeking regular check-ups, undergoing screenings, and following recommended immunization schedules. By taking proactive steps, individuals can prevent the onset of certain diseases or detect them at early stages.

4. Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Individuals can choose to adopt healthy lifestyle habits that positively impact their overall health, such as engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress, and practicing good sleep hygiene.

5. Health Education and Awareness: Individuals can educate themselves about health-related issues, stay informed about current research, and seek reliable information to make informed decisions about their health.

6. Personalized Approach: Each individual’s health needs and circumstances are unique. By taking responsibility for their own health, individuals can tailor their healthcare choices and interventions to align with their specific requirements.
QUESTION 15: Doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to improve their health.
Do you agree with this?


Agreeing that doctors should be responsible for educating their patients about how to improve their health:

1. Medical Expertise: Doctors have extensive medical knowledge and training, making them well-equipped to provide accurate and reliable health information to their patients.

2. Trust and Authority: Patients often trust their doctors and view them as authority figures in matters of health. Doctors can leverage this trust to effectively educate patients and guide them towards healthier choices.

3. Personalized Guidance: Doctors can assess patients’ individual health conditions, risks, and needs, allowing them to provide personalized advice tailored to each patient’s specific circumstances.

4. Health Promotion: By educating patients about healthy lifestyle choices, preventive measures, and disease management strategies, doctors can play a crucial role in promoting overall well-being and preventing illness.

5. Patient Empowerment: Health education from doctors can empower patients to take an active role in managing their health. It can provide them with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions and adopt healthier behaviors.

6. Continuity of Care: Doctors have ongoing relationships with their patients, allowing for consistent health education and guidance over time. They can monitor progress, address concerns, and provide ongoing support to promote better health outcomes.

Disagreeing that doctors should be solely responsible for educating their patients about how to improve their health:

1. Time Constraints: Doctors often have limited time during patient consultations, making it challenging to provide comprehensive health education on top of addressing immediate medical concerns.

2. Specialized Knowledge: Doctors have expertise in medical conditions and treatments, but they may not possess in-depth knowledge of other areas relevant to overall health, such as nutrition, exercise, mental health, or lifestyle factors. Collaborating with other healthcare professionals may be necessary.

3. Shared Responsibility: Health education is a collective effort involving various stakeholders, including public health organizations, community health educators, and patients themselves. Relying solely on doctors may neglect the importance of broader health promotion initiatives.

4. Patient Engagement: Patients should actively seek out health information, ask questions, and engage in shared decision-making. Taking ownership of one’s health requires individual initiative and curiosity beyond the doctor-patient relationship.

5. Multidisciplinary Approach: Improving health often requires a multidisciplinary approach involving professionals from different fields, such as nutritionists, physical therapists, psychologists, and health coaches. Collaborative efforts can provide a more comprehensive and holistic approach to health education.

6. Patient Diversity: Patients come from diverse backgrounds with varying levels of health literacy and cultural beliefs. Doctors should consider individual circumstances and tailor their communication and education strategies accordingly.

QUESTION 16: Walking is known to be beneficial for health and yet fewer and fewer people are walking these days. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to tackle this problem?


Reasons for fewer people walking these days:

1. Sedentary Lifestyles: Modern lifestyles often involve more sedentary activities, such as working in offices, using cars for transportation, and spending leisure time engaging in screen-based activities. This reduces the natural opportunities for walking.

2. Lack of Infrastructure: Insufficient pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, such as sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, and well-maintained walking paths, can discourage people from walking. Inadequate safety measures, such as high traffic volume or poor street lighting, may also deter pedestrians.

3. Time Constraints: Busy schedules and time constraints make it challenging for people to prioritize walking as a regular activity. Work commitments, family responsibilities, and long commutes may limit the time available for physical activity.

4. Convenience and Technology: The convenience and accessibility of motorized transportation and technology, such as cars, bikes, and online shopping, have reduced the need for walking in daily routines.

5. Environmental Factors: Unfavorable weather conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, or heavy rain, can discourage people from walking outdoors. Lack of green spaces or attractive walking environments in urban areas may also contribute to the decline in walking.

6. Health Conditions: Some individuals may have health conditions or physical limitations that make walking difficult or uncomfortable, reducing their motivation to engage in this form of exercise.

Possible solutions to tackle the problem:

1. Infrastructure Development: Governments and urban planners should invest in creating pedestrian-friendly environments by building sidewalks, improving footpaths, ensuring proper lighting, and establishing safe and attractive walking routes.

2. Awareness Campaigns: Promote awareness about the health benefits of walking through public campaigns, educational programs, and media initiatives. Emphasize the importance of incorporating walking into daily routines for overall well-being.

3. Workplace Initiatives: Encourage employers to promote walking by providing facilities such as walking trails, workplace wellness programs, and flexible break times to encourage employees to engage in physical activity during the workday.

4. Community Engagement: Foster community involvement by organizing walking events, group activities, or neighborhood walking clubs. This can create a sense of camaraderie, accountability, and social support for individuals to adopt and maintain a walking routine.

5. Education and Encouragement: Integrate walking and active transportation education into school curricula and promote walking to and from school. Encourage parents to engage in active transportation with their children, promoting a healthy habit from an early age.

6. Policy Interventions: Implement policies that prioritize pedestrians, such as traffic calming measures, reduced speed limits in residential areas, and initiatives to enhance walkability in urban planning and development.

Question 17: In some countries, most people prefer to rent their homes rather than buying them. What are the advantages and disadvantages of renting a home? 


Advantages of renting a home:

1. Flexibility: Renting provides flexibility in terms of location, allowing individuals to live in desirable areas without the long-term commitment of owning a property. It offers the freedom to move more easily based on changing personal or professional circumstances.

2. Lower Upfront Costs: Renting generally requires lower upfront costs compared to purchasing a home. There is no need for a significant down payment or the financial burden of a mortgage.

3. Maintenance and Repairs: The responsibility for maintenance and repairs typically lies with the landlord or property management. Renters are not responsible for the costs or the hassle of fixing issues or upgrading the property.

4. Amenities and Services: Some rental properties offer amenities such as gyms, swimming pools, and shared spaces that may be cost-prohibitive for homeowners. Additionally, certain rentals provide services like security, landscaping, or maintenance that can enhance convenience and quality of life.

5. Lower Financial Risk: Renting eliminates the financial risk associated with fluctuating property values and the potential for property market downturns. Renters are not directly affected by the housing market and can avoid losses in property value.

6. Easy Entry and Exit: Renting allows individuals to quickly enter or exit a living situation without the complexities of selling a property or dealing with real estate transactions.

7. Access to Urban Areas: Renting is often more feasible in urban areas where property prices are higher, making it an attractive option for individuals who want to live in the heart of cities.

8. Limited Responsibility: Renters have less financial and legal responsibility compared to homeowners. They are not burdened with property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, or ongoing property-related expenses.

Disadvantages of renting a home:

1. Limited Control: Renters have limited control over the property, as they must abide by the terms set by the landlord. This includes restrictions on making modifications or changes to the property according to personal preferences.

2. Lack of Equity: Renting does not provide the opportunity to build equity in a property. Rent payments do not contribute to ownership, and renters do not benefit from potential property value appreciation.

3. Rent Increases: Landlords have the ability to increase rent over time, which can make long-term affordability uncertain. Renters may face frequent rent hikes, making budgeting and financial planning challenging.

4. Limited Stability: Renters do not have the stability of long-term homeownership. They may face the possibility of eviction if the landlord decides to sell the property or make other changes.

5. Restrictions on Customization: Renters often have limitations on personalizing or customizing the property to suit their preferences. They may be restricted in terms of painting walls, owning pets, or making structural changes.

6. Dependency on Landlord: Renters are dependent on the responsiveness and actions of the landlord for maintenance, repairs, and addressing issues with the property. A negligent or unresponsive landlord can lead to inconveniences or living in suboptimal conditions.

7. Lack of Investment Benefits: Renting does not provide the potential financial benefits associated with property ownership, such as equity accumulation, tax advantages, or the ability to generate rental income.

8. Insecurity of Tenure: Renters may face uncertainty regarding the duration of their tenancy. Landlords may choose not to renew leases or terminate agreements, leading to the need to find alternative housing.

Question 18: Planting trees is very important for the environment. Some people say trees should be planted in the vacant areas of cities and towns, while others say housing facilities should be built instead.
Do you agree or disagree?



1. Environmental Benefits: Planting trees in vacant areas of cities and towns can provide numerous environmental benefits. Trees help in absorbing carbon dioxide, reducing air pollution, and improving air quality.

2. Urban Heat Island Effect: Trees help to mitigate the urban heat island effect by providing shade and cooling the surrounding areas. This can contribute to a more comfortable and sustainable urban environment.

3. Aesthetics and Beautification: Trees add natural beauty and aesthetics to urban areas, making them more visually appealing. They create a sense of tranquility, improve the overall ambiance, and enhance the quality of life for residents.

4. Ecological Balance: Planting trees in urban areas can support biodiversity and create habitats for birds, insects, and other wildlife. This contributes to the preservation of ecological balance in urban ecosystems.

5. Mental and Physical Health Benefits: Access to green spaces and trees has been shown to have positive effects on mental well-being, reducing stress, improving mood, and promoting physical activity.

6. Climate Change Adaptation: Trees play a vital role in climate change adaptation by reducing the impact of extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfalls and storms, and helping to regulate temperature and humidity.


1. Housing Demand: There is often a pressing need for housing facilities in cities and towns due to population growth and urbanization. Building housing facilities in vacant areas can help address the demand for housing and provide adequate living spaces for people.

2. Urban Development: Developing vacant areas for housing facilities can contribute to urban development, including the establishment of essential infrastructure, amenities, and services needed for a growing population.

3. Economic Considerations: Housing construction can generate economic activity, create jobs, and stimulate local economies. It can attract investment and contribute to the overall development of the area.

4. Land Utilization: Utilizing vacant areas for housing can optimize land use, especially in areas where available land is limited. It allows for efficient use of space and can contribute to urban density and sustainability.

5. Social Impact: Building housing facilities can address social issues, such as housing affordability and homelessness. It provides individuals and families with safe and secure living spaces, improving their quality of life.

6. Balanced Approach: It is possible to find a balance between housing development and tree planting. By incorporating green spaces, parks, and tree planting initiatives within housing developments, both the environmental and housing needs can be addressed.

Question 19: Many countries are experiencing population growth and need more homes. Should these new homes be constructed in existing cities or should new towns be built in the countryside? 


Constructing new homes in existing cities:

1. Utilization of Infrastructure: Existing cities usually have established infrastructure such as transportation networks, schools, healthcare facilities, and utilities. Building new homes within the city can make use of this infrastructure, saving costs and ensuring efficient service provision.

2. Urban Revitalization: Constructing new homes in existing cities can contribute to urban revitalization efforts. It can help breathe new life into older neighborhoods, improve the aesthetics, and create a sense of community.

3. Access to Amenities: Cities offer a wide range of amenities, including cultural institutions, recreational facilities, shopping centers, and employment opportunities. Building new homes within cities ensures residents have convenient access to these amenities, promoting a higher quality of life.

4. Sustainable Development: Constructing new homes in existing cities promotes sustainable development principles, such as reducing urban sprawl and minimizing transportation needs. It can encourage walkability, public transportation usage, and the efficient use of land.

5. Preserving Rural Areas: Building new towns in the countryside can lead to the conversion of agricultural land or natural habitats. Constructing homes within cities helps preserve rural areas, maintaining their ecological and agricultural value.

6. Social Integration: Building new homes within existing cities promotes social integration and diversity. It creates opportunities for people from different backgrounds to live and interact together, fostering cultural exchange and understanding.

Constructing new towns in the countryside:

1. Reduced Urban Density: Building new towns in the countryside can alleviate overcrowding and congestion in existing cities. It allows for a more spread-out population distribution, reducing pressure on urban infrastructure and resources.

2. Environmental Preservation: Constructing new towns in the countryside can help protect natural environments and ecosystems. It allows for the preservation of green spaces, wildlife habitats, and valuable landscapes, contributing to biodiversity conservation.

3. Lower Costs: Land in the countryside is often less expensive compared to urban areas. Constructing new towns in the countryside can lead to more affordable housing options, helping to address housing affordability challenges.

4. Improved Quality of Life: Living in the countryside can provide a quieter and more peaceful environment compared to the hustle and bustle of the city. It can offer residents access to nature, fresh air, and a closer connection to natural resources.

5. Infrastructure Planning: Constructing new towns in the countryside provides an opportunity for comprehensive infrastructure planning. It allows for the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly infrastructure systems, including renewable energy sources and efficient transportation networks.

6. Job Opportunities: Building new towns in the countryside can stimulate local economies and create job opportunities, particularly in sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and rural industries. It can help reduce urban-rural disparities and promote balanced regional development.

Question 20: Nowadays, a lot of buildings, such as offices and  schools, are now being built with an open plan design.
Why is that? Do you see this as a positive or negative development? 


Reasons for open plan design in buildings:

1. Collaboration and Communication: Open plan designs promote collaboration and communication among individuals. They eliminate physical barriers like walls and cubicles, allowing for easier interaction, idea sharing, and teamwork.

2. Flexibility and Adaptability: Open plan layouts provide flexibility in space usage. They can be easily reconfigured and adapted to accommodate changing needs, such as adding or removing workstations or creating collaborative areas. This flexibility supports the evolving nature of modern work and educational environments.

3. Cost Efficiency: Open plan designs can be cost-effective compared to traditional closed-off layouts. They require less construction material and can maximize the use of available space, potentially reducing building and operational costs.

4. Natural Light and Views: Open plan designs often prioritize natural light and views. By removing walls, daylight can penetrate deeper into the space, creating a brighter and more pleasant working or learning environment. Access to views and nature has been linked to improved well-being and productivity.

5. Sense of Community: Open plan layouts can foster a sense of community and belonging. The shared space encourages social interaction, networking, and a feeling of belonging to a larger group. This can enhance teamwork, morale, and a positive work or educational culture.

6. Equality and Transparency: Open plan designs promote transparency and equality in the workplace or educational setting. There are no hierarchies based on physical separation, fostering a more inclusive and democratic environment.

Positive aspects of open plan design:

1. Collaboration and teamwork are enhanced, promoting creativity and innovation.

2. Improved communication and interaction among colleagues or students.

3. Flexibility to adapt the space to changing needs and requirements.

4. Bright and open environment with access to natural light and views.

5. Fosters a sense of community and inclusivity.

6. Cost-effective solution for maximizing space utilization.

Negative aspects of open plan design:

1. Noise and Distractions: Open plan layouts can lead to increased noise levels and distractions, potentially affecting concentration and productivity.

2. Lack of Privacy: The absence of physical barriers may result in a lack of privacy, making it difficult for individuals to focus or have confidential discussions.

3. Reduced Individual Focus: Some tasks or work styles may require more individual focus and concentration, which can be challenging in open plan settings.

4. Health and Well-being Concerns: Factors like air quality, temperature control, and personal space can impact comfort and well-being in open plan environments.

5. Difficulty in Managing Distractions: Open plan spaces may require strategies or designated areas to manage noise and distractions effectively.

6. Potential Impact on Work-Life Balance: Blurring the boundaries between work and personal life may occur in open plan offices, leading to increased stress and difficulty in disconnecting.

Question 21: As computers translate quickly and accurately, is learning foreign languages a waste of time?
To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Disagree: Learning foreign languages is not a waste of time

1. Cultural Understanding: Learning a foreign language allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. It promotes empathy and fosters connections with people from diverse backgrounds.

2. Communication Skills: Language learning improves overall communication skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills are valuable in various personal and professional contexts, enabling effective interactions with people from different linguistic backgrounds.

3. Cognitive Benefits: Language learning enhances cognitive abilities, such as memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking. It stimulates the brain and improves overall mental flexibility and creativity.

4. Career Opportunities: Proficiency in multiple languages can open up a wide range of career opportunities, especially in international business, diplomacy, tourism, translation, and cultural exchange. It increases employability and gives individuals a competitive edge in the global job market.

5. Personal Development: Learning a foreign language challenges individuals to step out of their comfort zones, boosting self-confidence and personal growth. It expands horizons, broadens perspectives, and enriches personal experiences.

6. Appreciation of Language and Literature: Learning a foreign language allows individuals to appreciate and engage with literary works, films, music, and other cultural expressions in their original form. It deepens the enjoyment and understanding of artistic and intellectual creations.

7. Preservation of Linguistic Diversity: Language learning contributes to the preservation of linguistic diversity by valuing and sustaining languages that might be at risk of extinction. It helps in maintaining cultural heritage and fostering linguistic inclusivity.

8. Enhanced Travel Experiences: Knowing the local language while traveling enhances the experience by enabling deeper interactions with locals, understanding local customs, and immersing oneself in the local culture.

Question 22: Scientists predict that all people will choose to talk the same global language in the future. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 


Positive Development:

1. Global Communication: A universal language would facilitate seamless communication across borders, fostering understanding and collaboration on a global scale.

2. Economic Advantages: With a common language, international trade and business transactions would become more efficient, leading to increased economic opportunities and growth.

3. Cultural Exchange: A shared language could encourage cultural exchange and appreciation, breaking down barriers and promoting a sense of global unity and diversity.

4. Ease of Travel and Integration: Traveling and living in different countries would be more accessible and convenient if a common language were spoken, allowing for smoother integration into different communities.

5. Educational Benefits: Learning a single global language could streamline educational systems, making it easier for individuals to access knowledge and resources from around the world.

6. Technological Advancements: A global language could accelerate advancements in technology, as developers could focus on creating more accessible and user-friendly platforms for a larger user base.

7. Reduced Language Barriers: Eliminating language barriers could minimize misunderstandings, conflicts, and miscommunication in various contexts, such as diplomacy, international relations, and emergency situations.

8. Equality and Inclusivity: A common language could promote equal opportunities for individuals from different linguistic backgrounds, reducing discrimination based on language proficiency.

Negative Development:

1. Loss of Linguistic Diversity: The dominance of a single global language may lead to a decline in linguistic diversity as other languages gradually become less spoken and potentially endangered or extinct.

2. Cultural Erosion: Language and culture are closely intertwined. The widespread adoption of a global language may lead to the erosion of cultural identities, traditions, and unique expressions embedded within specific languages.

3. Linguistic and Cultural Hegemony: The adoption of a global language could reinforce linguistic and cultural hegemony, favoring certain dominant cultures and marginalizing others.

4. Diminished Cognitive Benefits: Learning multiple languages has been associated with cognitive benefits, such as enhanced memory, critical thinking, and multitasking skills. A single global language could potentially reduce these cognitive advantages.

5. Linguistic Inequality: Not everyone would have equal access to resources and opportunities for learning the global language, potentially exacerbating existing inequalities between different regions and socioeconomic groups.

6. Loss of Language Diversity Knowledge: Each language holds unique knowledge systems and perspectives. Losing lesser-known languages could result in the loss of valuable knowledge about ecosystems, local traditions, and alternative ways of thinking.

7. Resistance and Identity Preservation: Communities may resist the adoption of a global language to preserve their linguistic heritage and cultural identity, potentially leading to conflicts and tensions between different language groups.

8. Emotional and Expressive Nuances: Languages often carry emotional and expressive nuances that may not be fully captured or replicated in a global language, potentially limiting self-expression and artistic creativity.

Question 23: Some people think that a person can never understand the culture of a country unless they speak the language.
Do you agree with this opinion?



1. Language and Culture Connection: Language is an integral part of culture, and by learning the language, one gains a deeper understanding of the nuances, values, and traditions embedded within the culture.

2. Enhanced Communication: Speaking the language allows for more meaningful interactions with locals, enabling deeper conversations, cultural exchanges, and building stronger connections.

3. Cultural Context: Language provides insight into the historical, social, and cultural contexts of a country, helping individuals comprehend cultural references, idioms, and humor that may not easily translate into another language.

4. Empathy and Perspective: Immersing oneself in the language helps develop empathy and a better understanding of the perspectives, worldviews, and lived experiences of the local population.

5. Respect and Appreciation: Speaking the language shows respect for the culture and its people, demonstrating an effort to bridge cultural gaps and fostering mutual understanding and appreciation.

6. Access to Authentic Resources: Learning the language grants access to authentic literature, media, and local sources, allowing for a deeper exploration of the culture’s artistic expressions, history, and societal issues.

7. Breaking Down Barriers: Speaking the language breaks down linguistic barriers, reducing misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and the potential for cultural insensitivity or offensive behavior.

8. Integration and Adaptation: Language fluency facilitates smoother integration into a country’s social fabric, enabling individuals to participate in local activities, understand social norms, and adapt to the daily life of the community.


1. Cultural Immersion: While language plays a significant role, cultural understanding can still be attained through immersive experiences, cultural activities, observation, and interactions with locals, even without full language fluency.

2. Interpreters and Translations: In many situations, professional interpreters, translators, or bilingual individuals can facilitate communication and bridge language gaps, allowing for cross-cultural understanding.

3. Non-Verbal Communication: Culture encompasses more than just language, including non-verbal cues, body language, and gestures, which can be observed and understood without necessarily speaking the language.

4. Globalization and Cultural Exchange: In an increasingly interconnected world, cultural understanding and appreciation can be fostered through exposure to diverse cultures, literature, films, and art, even without speaking every language.

5. Cultural Guides and Experts: Local guides, cultural experts, and scholars can provide insights and explanations about the culture, history, and traditions, enabling a deeper understanding without requiring full language fluency.

6. Multiculturalism and Diversity: Understanding a culture does not necessarily mean understanding every aspect of it, as cultures are diverse and encompass various subcultures, regional differences, and individual perspectives.

7. Personal Experience and Empathy: Immersion and personal experiences, such as living or working in a different culture, can provide valuable insights and understanding, even if one’s language proficiency is limited.

8. Language Learning Constraints: Learning a language requires time, resources, and dedication, which may not always be feasible for individuals seeking to gain cultural understanding within a limited timeframe or specific context.

Question 24: Some people think that you can never become fluent in a language unless you have spent time living or working in that country.
To what extent do you agree?



1. Immersive Language Environment: Living or working in a country where the language is spoken provides constant exposure to the language, allowing for more frequent practice and immersion in authentic language contexts.

2. Cultural Context: Immersion in the country allows for a deeper understanding of cultural nuances, social norms, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references that are intricately tied to language use.

3. Conversational Fluency: Regular interaction with native speakers in real-life situations enhances conversational fluency, as it requires adapting to the speed, intonation, and colloquialisms of natural spoken language.

4. Accurate Pronunciation and Accent: Being surrounded by native speakers facilitates acquiring accurate pronunciation, intonation, and accent, as learners have consistent exposure to native models.

5. Contextual Vocabulary and Expressions: Living or working in the country exposes learners to a broader range of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and specialized language used in specific domains or industries.

6. Cultural Integration and Adaptation: Immersion enables learners to understand and adapt to the cultural norms, customs, and etiquette of the country, which can enhance communication effectiveness and cultural sensitivity.

7. Real-Life Language Challenges: Immersive experiences provide opportunities to navigate real-life language challenges, such as understanding accents, slang, and regional variations, which contribute to overall language proficiency.

8. Multidimensional Learning: Living in the country allows for a holistic approach to language learning, incorporating various learning modalities, such as reading local literature, watching television shows, participating in cultural events, and engaging with the local community.


1. Language Learning Resources: With advancements in technology and online resources, learners can access authentic materials, language courses, language exchange platforms, and virtual immersion programs, which provide opportunities to develop language proficiency outside the country.

2. Skilled Language Instruction: Effective language instruction by qualified teachers can help learners develop fluency, even in the absence of living in the country, through structured curricula, targeted exercises, and language practice.

3. Language Learning Communities: Online communities, language clubs, and conversation partners can offer valuable language practice opportunities and cultural insights, even without physical immersion in the target country.

4. Self-Directed Learning: Motivated learners can make significant progress in language learning through self-study, utilizing textbooks, language apps, online courses, and language learning platforms that provide structured language learning materials and activities.

5. Cultural Immersion Programs: Short-term or intensive cultural immersion programs, organized within the learner’s home country, can provide immersive experiences through cultural activities, language practice, and interactions with native speakers.

6. Language Proficiency Examinations: Proficiency exams, such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), offer standardized measures of language ability, independent of the country of residence.

7. Personal Learning Styles: Individuals have diverse learning styles, and while immersion may be highly effective for some, others may thrive through a combination of methods, such as classroom instruction, online resources, or individual study.

8. Language Aptitude and Motivation: Language learning success depends on an individual’s aptitude, motivation, dedication, and consistent practice, which can be achieved through various learning contexts, including immersion programs or non-immersive settings.

Question 25: Shopping is the favorite pastime for most young people.
Why do you think that is? Do you think they should be encouraged to do some other useful activities? 
Reasons why shopping is a favorite pastime for most young people:


1. Socializing: Shopping malls and retail spaces often provide opportunities for young people to meet up with friends, socialize, and spend time together, making it an appealing activity for social interaction.

2. Fashion and Trends: Young people are often interested in fashion and staying up-to-date with the latest trends. Shopping allows them to explore new styles, experiment with different clothing options, and express their personal identity through fashion choices.

3. Entertainment and Excitement: Shopping can be seen as a form of entertainment, offering a range of experiences such as browsing through stores, trying on clothes, discovering new products, and making purchases. It provides a sense of excitement and novelty.

4. Self-Expression and Identity: Shopping offers a means for young people to express their individuality, enhance their self-image, and construct their personal style. It allows them to explore their interests, preferences, and tastes.

5. Instant Gratification: Shopping provides a sense of immediate satisfaction and gratification. Young people can acquire desired items and experience the thrill of owning something new and desirable.

6. Peer Influence: Peers and social circles play a significant role in shaping young people’s interests and behaviors. If shopping is popular among their peers, young people may be more inclined to participate to fit in and be part of the group.

Encouraging young people to engage in other useful activities:

1. Hobbies and Interests: Encouraging young people to explore and develop hobbies or engage in activities aligned with their interests can provide alternative sources of enjoyment and fulfillment.

2. Physical Activity: Promoting physical activities such as sports, fitness, or outdoor recreational pursuits can contribute to their overall well-being, health, and provide a balance to sedentary activities like shopping.

3. Cultural and Artistic Engagement: Encouraging young people to participate in cultural events, visit museums, attend concerts, or engage in artistic pursuits fosters creativity, cultural appreciation, and broadens their horizons.

4. Volunteering and Community Service: Involving young people in volunteering activities or community service projects helps instill a sense of social responsibility, empathy, and a broader understanding of societal issues.

5. Skill Development: Encouraging young people to invest their time in acquiring new skills or pursuing educational endeavors, such as learning a musical instrument, painting, writing, or coding, can contribute to personal growth and future prospects.

6. Nature and Environment: Promoting outdoor activities like hiking, gardening, or environmental conservation initiatives can foster an appreciation for nature, sustainability, and a sense of environmental stewardship.

Question 26: Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and having more free time.
Discuss both views and state your opinion. 


View: Having more money and less free time

1. Financial Stability: Earning more money provides financial stability, allowing individuals to meet their needs, save for the future, and have a higher standard of living.

2. Career Advancement: Investing more time in work can lead to career advancement opportunities, promotions, and higher salaries, ultimately resulting in increased earning potential.

3. Opportunities and Experiences: Having more financial resources enables individuals to access a wider range of opportunities and experiences, such as travel, hobbies, and entertainment, which can contribute to personal growth and enjoyment.

4. Security and Comfort: With more money, individuals can afford better housing, healthcare, and other necessities, providing a sense of security and comfort for themselves and their families.

5. Fulfillment and Status: Some people derive a sense of fulfillment and status from their professional achievements and financial success, which can contribute to their overall well-being and self-esteem.

6. Long-Term Financial Planning: Earning more money allows individuals to save and invest for the future, building a solid financial foundation and ensuring a more secure retirement.

View: Earning less money and having more free time

1. Work-Life Balance: Having more free time allows individuals to prioritize their personal lives, relationships, and well-being, fostering a better work-life balance and reducing stress and burnout.

2. Health and Well-being: More free time allows for the pursuit of physical exercise, relaxation, and self-care activities, contributing to improved health and overall well-being.

3. Pursuit of Personal Passions: With additional free time, individuals can explore their personal interests, hobbies, and passions, fostering personal growth, creativity, and fulfillment.

4. Family and Relationships: More free time allows individuals to spend quality time with family and loved ones, strengthening relationships and creating meaningful connections.

5. Personal Development: Having extra time can be utilized for personal development, such as acquiring new skills, pursuing education, or engaging in self-reflection, leading to personal growth and self-improvement.

6. Flexibility and Freedom: Having more free time provides individuals with the flexibility to make choices according to their own priorities and desires, leading to a greater sense of freedom and autonomy.

QUESTION 6: The majority of news being reported is bad news such as wars, famines, accidents and crime.
Why do you think that is? Do you think the news should be a balance of both good and bad news?


Reasons for the majority of news being bad news:

1. News value: Bad news often holds greater news value as it tends to evoke strong emotions and capture the attention of the audience. It is seen as more newsworthy and sensational.

2. Human interest: Stories involving conflicts, disasters, and crime attract human interest due to their dramatic and compelling nature. They tap into our curiosity about the darker aspects of human experience.

3. Media competition: Media outlets compete for audience attention and ratings. Bad news stories are often prioritized as they tend to generate higher viewership and engagement.

4. Information relevance: Bad news is seen as more directly relevant to people’s lives as it informs them about potential dangers, risks, or societal issues. It is often perceived as more urgent and important to report.

5. Newsroom culture: Newsroom dynamics and editorial decisions can influence the selection and emphasis on negative news stories. Journalists may be inclined to focus on conflicts and crises due to professional norms and the belief that they have a responsibility to expose wrongdoing.

6. Availability of sources: News outlets may have easier access to sources and information related to negative events such as wars, accidents, and crime, leading to their increased coverage.

7. Audience demand: Some argue that audiences have a preference for negative news due to its gripping nature and the feeling of being informed about potential threats or risks.

8. Profitability: Negative news stories may generate higher revenue through increased viewership, website traffic, or newspaper sales, thereby incentivizing media organizations to prioritize such content.

Reasons for balancing good and bad news:

1. Psychological well-being: Constant exposure to negative news can have adverse effects on mental health and overall well-being. Balancing it with positive news can provide a more balanced perspective and improve audience well-being.

2. Societal harmony: Excessive focus on negative news can lead to a skewed perception of reality, contributing to fear, anxiety, and a sense of hopelessness. Including positive news promotes a more balanced view of society and encourages a sense of optimism.

3. Fostering trust and engagement: Providing a mix of good and bad news can enhance trust in media organizations by showcasing a more comprehensive representation of events and issues. It can also increase audience engagement by offering a broader range of topics.

4. Inspiring positive action: Highlighting positive news stories can inspire individuals and communities to take positive actions, promote social change, and engage in constructive initiatives.

5. Celebrating achievements: Positive news allows for the recognition and celebration of achievements, milestones, and positive developments within society, providing a sense of pride and motivation.

6. Reflecting reality: A balanced news coverage that includes both good and bad news provides a more accurate reflection of the complexities and realities of the world we live in.

QUESTION 7: In the last few decades there have been more and more cases of famous people being hounded by the press. Some people think that famous people in the media have no right to privacy.
To what extent do you agree?


Agreeing that famous people have no right to privacy:

1. Public figures voluntarily enter the public eye: Famous individuals, by choosing careers in the public eye, inherently expose themselves to public scrutiny, which can diminish their expectation of privacy.

2. Public interest and curiosity: The public often exhibits a strong interest in the personal lives of celebrities, and media outlets cater to this demand by providing extensive coverage. The public’s curiosity is seen as a legitimate reason to invade the privacy of famous individuals.

3. Role models and responsibility: Famous individuals are seen as role models, and their behaviors and actions can influence society. Some argue that holding them to a higher standard justifies media scrutiny into their personal lives to ensure they align with societal expectations.

4. Economic benefits: The media generates revenue through coverage of famous individuals, including their private lives. This financial motivation contributes to the persistent invasion of privacy.

5. Transparency and accountability: Public figures are seen as representatives of a particular industry, community, or nation. Increased scrutiny can ensure transparency and hold them accountable for their actions.

6. Consent and voluntary exposure: Some argue that celebrities willingly expose aspects of their personal lives through social media and public appearances, blurring the lines between private and public spheres.

7. Public interest overrides privacy: Supporters of this view contend that the public’s right to information and the potential impact on society outweigh the privacy rights of famous individuals.

8. Balancing power dynamics: Public figures often possess considerable influence and power, and media scrutiny acts as a check on their power, preventing abuse or misconduct.

Disagreeing that famous people have no right to privacy:

1. Fundamental right to privacy: Like any individual, famous people have a basic human right to privacy, regardless of their fame or public status.

2. Personal lives separate from professional achievements: A person’s professional accomplishments and contributions should not negate their right to privacy in their personal lives.

3. Impact on mental health and well-being: Continuous invasion of privacy can have severe consequences on the mental health and well-being of famous individuals. It can lead to stress, anxiety, and a loss of personal freedom.

4. Distraction from professional work: Excessive media intrusion into personal matters can detract from the professional work of famous individuals, affecting their ability to focus and perform effectively.

5. False narratives and intrusion: The media’s invasive approach can lead to the fabrication of stories, invasion of intimate spaces, and the dissemination of misinformation, which can harm the reputations and personal lives of famous individuals.

6. Respect for personal boundaries: Respecting the personal boundaries of public figures contributes to a more ethical and compassionate society, fostering a culture of empathy and understanding.

7. Impact on creativity and expression: Constant scrutiny can limit artistic freedom and discourage creativity among famous individuals, as they may fear judgment and criticism.

8. Separating public and private spheres: Recognizing the distinction between an individual’s public and private lives allows for a healthier and more balanced approach to media coverage, respecting the right to personal privacy.