Free IELTS Writing Masterclass

Still stuck on a 6.5 in Writing?

Prepare to have your mind blown!

  • Are you tired of following a dozen different bloggers and YouTubers for IELTS tips and still can’t do well?
  • Do you consistently fall short of a 7 on Writing?
  • Do you seem to not have enough time to finish your test?
  • Does all of the variety in essay types frustrate you?
  • Have you already taken the IELTS a couple times only to always get a band 6 or 6.5?
  • Is finding relevant ideas tough for you?
Monali, Arzoo and Khushboo, amongst hundreds others, had the same problems you do.

If you’ve taken the IELTS twice or thrice and have still not managed to get a 7, you absolutely gotta attend my Masterclass. It is guaranteed to be the most useful one hour that you’ll ever have spent if you’ve been studying by yourself all this time, and you’ll be surprised to see how easy it can really be!

During the Masterclass, please write out your own sentences, as you will be prompted to follow along.  Send me your work so I can check it!

As a BONUS, you will also receive a FREE 3-day email course on EASILY and QUICKLY improving your writing! So don’t forget to check your inbox!