FREE CELPIP Writing Masterclass

Understand exactly what to do to go from CLB 6-8 to 9 or 10!

Prepare to have your mind blown!

We all know how difficult it is to score more than a 7 or 8 on CELPIP Writing. Many of you have taken the CELPIP once or twice already but are frustrated by still seeing the same score on your report.

Do you know why?

Of course, your language skills play an important role, but on an exam like the CELPIP it’s even more important that you have the right set of tools and the right strategy, since you’re working against time and in an artificial environment to prove that you deserve a high band score.

This Masterclass is the only one that can give you absolute clarity on WHICH skills you need to display to get a high score and what you should AVOID if you’re aiming high. You will learn a step-by-step method that’s essentially foolproof.

This CELPIP Masterclass is designed specially for those aiming for a band score of 9 and above. 

Trust me, nothing you’ve ever seen on YouTube will ever compare to the value you’ll get from this Masterclass.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up below. You’ll be in for a pleasant surprise 🙂

Acceptance on my courses is not guaranteed for all participants, but only for those that qualify after a thorough evaluation, so if you’re interested in a course, you’re welcome to contact me on +917666212414 or

Enjoy your free Masterclass on the next page!

Make sure you join the CELPIP Tips by SureScore System Facebook group for more tips!