
IELTS Mistakes & Scores: What can reduce your scores?

Last week, I received a frantic phone call from my student, Anish. He had just written his IELTS exam and while thinking about his writing test, he realised that he wrote ‘pie chart’ instead of tables. A similar incident happened to Arjun, who realised that he’d said ‘nani’ instead of ‘grandmother’ (the term carries a …

IELTS Mistakes & Scores: What can reduce your scores? Read More »

Giving well-developed responses on your IELTS Speaking test

So, you took the IELTS again, and disappointingly enough, your speaking score is still 6.5. Frustrating, isn’t it? Especially when you’ve followed tons of “tips and tricks” from YouTube? What should you be doing, then, to finally achieve that band 7? Read on! Far too often, test-takers will deliver short, curt, direct responses to an examiner’s questions on …

Giving well-developed responses on your IELTS Speaking test Read More »

Which words are not counted in IELTS writing? The answer will surprise you.

Which words are considered as ‘one’ word and which ones are considered to be ‘two’ words? A frantic student messaged me a week before her test, asking: Any contracted forms, which were originally two words, will be counted as one word. Why? There is no space between any of the letters!  The same rule goes …

Which words are not counted in IELTS writing? The answer will surprise you. Read More »

Is it true that taking rural Punjab as your center will give you more bands in the IELTS?

Do rural Punjab centers give better IELTS band scores? Is the exam particularly “easy” in Punjab? Is there an easy way to pass the exam? Google sometimes returns peculiar suggested searches for the IELTS: These can be quite the rabbit hole if you venture deep enough! What I find interesting is that many students look …

Is it true that taking rural Punjab as your center will give you more bands in the IELTS? Read More »

Three things you should AVOID on the IELTS Speaking exam

Last month, I had the unique opportunity to have a chat with a room full of IELTS examiners, and the conversation soon turned to one of their pet peeves: common test-taker errors in the Speaking exam. Knowing that this was something most of my students initially struggled with, I asked them what they wished test-takers …

Three things you should AVOID on the IELTS Speaking exam Read More »