Let's make your next IELTS attempt your LAST one. NO EXCUSES!

526 of our students are already living their Canadian dream after getting an 8777 on the IELTS.

Will YOU be next?
Let's talk! Book a free call with me →

I’m on a mission. 

I don’t want a single Indian to waste any more of their hard-earned money on this already-expensive exam. 

But I can’t help you if you don’t take action…

You decide. 

Are you a victor or are you a victim? 

Are you going to make some faceless corporation richer every time you fail the IELTS, or are you going to make YOUR LIFE richer? 

It’s entirely your decision to make. You can continue doing what you already were doing before you landed on my page…

…watch free YouTube videos…

…listen to the advice of friends and family…

…prowl social media groups for little bits of help and advice…

…fall prey to any of the 2,00,000+ coaching institutes in India that hire teachers that can barely speak fluent and flawless English…

…make angry blog posts about how the IELTS exam is unfair…

…pray and pray to God and hope that He showers mercy on you this time…

…maybe fly to a different country and hope that the examiner takes a shine to you and marks you leniently…

…try to pay some scammer who “guarantees” you a fake certificate so that you are branded a criminal for life and banned from your dream country…

…pay an astrologer or guru to perform rites for you to get a high score…

…download a hundred gigabytes of random IELTS books and videos that will end up ignored in a forgotten folder in your hard drive…

But I think you’re smarter than that. 

You don’t have time and energy to waste any more. You’ve got places to go, goals to reach, a whole new life to build, and you can’t let this exam continue to get in your way. This tiny window of opportunity can change your life forever.

For over 7 years we have PERFECTED our SureScore System to ensure that you spend as LITTLE time and energy as possible to learn how to ace the IELTS General QUICKLY and EFFECTIVELY. And now you can benefit from our program!

How will you benefit from this programme?

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...and don't forget the bonuses!

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Normally, the INSANE value of everything you get from me would come at an investment of…
…let’s do the math…

But that’s NOT the course fee, not even 1/6th of that…even though it would obviously be worth it because of the results we keep getting.

Because I’m not interested in just enrolling students. 

My principles are most important to me.

 I don’t want to accept a student who isn’t dead serious about this exam. I don’t want to accept anyone who isn’t absolutely fighting to improve their life. 

If you’re half-hearted, these are NOT the courses for you. Close this webpage RIGHT NOW.

I am looking for fighters, not victims. 

You were not born to mope around sadly and blame fate for your life after failing the IELTS for the second or third or fifth time, you were born to conquer your obstacles and be a victor.

I want to help you change your life once and for all. 

Which is why the SureScore course is now available for just 16,497.

To me, this is my opportunity to change the lives of great people like you.

Isn’t it completely worth it to ensure that THIS attempt is your LAST attempt?

Google (4.9)

Got Questions?

4 weeks (approximately 28 days) of live teaching in total.

You can pay by card or bank transfer. A student counsellor will get in touch with you to help you out.

Not unless you want to. You can enrol right now with a part payment, and the next payment would be due in 3 weeks of the course starting.

No problem! It will be recorded and you can watch it and do your homework and send it to  me at any time.

Shrishti, the lead instructor, personally checks all of it. You will get a 3-5 page report on each writing task with guaranteed scores and recommendations on what to work on, all within 2 days.

Shrishti, the lead instructor, personally conducts all speaking tests 1-on-1 to ensure she can judge you correctly. You will get a 2-3 page report with every test within a day.

You will get access to our Moodle website upon payment, and you can use the registration keys shared with you to access all the content.

Live teaching batches start on Mondays each month, but you get access to course materials and your study plan immediately upon registering/paying.

Lessons are held 5 times a week from Monday to Friday. You can choose which time slot is best for you as our first lesson starts at 8.15AM IST and the last lesson ends at 10PM IST

We use Google Meet for all live lessons. The link will be shared once you register.

Yes, all lessons must be attended at the same time, although you can contact the instructor if you want to be placed in a different batch with a different time slot.  Choose the time slot that is most comfortable for you.

It is ideal to have a laptop or desktop computer for your writing lessons, but if you are comfortable using a tablet or your phone to type, that should also work fine. For speaking, reading and listening, you can simply use your phone to connect, if you do not have access to a laptop/desktop.

You will be able to directly contact the lead instructor at any time and she will personally help you out.

We put together students of similar ability in each batch. Every batch can have 2-6 students. However, every student gets his/her own classwork file which personally gets checked during class, and all homework is personally checked, along with speaking tests, which are always 1 on 1. We also have additional, free, live remedial lessons available for every student.

Still not sure?

I understand.

After all, it’s hard to trust someone on the internet.

Let me connect you with one of our student counsellors ASAP:

Psst...looking to fix just one module?